Selasa, 30 September 2014

Unit Pelatihan Terpadu & Unit Bisnis Strategis

Diikuti dengan berlakunya Quantum Leap, Garuda Indonesia juga mendirikan beberapa UBS dan menggaet beberapa usaha strategis untuk mendukung operasional, seperti:
  • PT Abacus Distribution Systems Indonesia (Abacus)
  • PT Aero Systems Indonesia (asyst)[12]
Dan berikut beberapa Unit Bisnis Strategis yang Garuda Indonesia bawahi:
  • Garuda Indonesia Training Center [1][13], pusat pelatihan
  • Garuda Indonesia Cargo [2][13], pelayanan kargo
  • Garuda Sentra Medika[13], penyedia jasa kesehatan

Senin, 29 September 2014

Garuda memasuki bursa saham

Pada tanggal 11 Februari 2011. Garuda memulai IPO sebagai langkah awal menuju bursa saham.[9] Pemerintah menyatakan bahwa harga saham Garuda adalah Rp750 per saham dan mengurangi penawaran saham dari 9,362 miliar lembar ke 6,3 miliar lembar saham.[10] Garuda Indonesia memutuskan mencatatkan diri di Bursa Efek Indonesia.
Pada 27 April 2012, CT Corp melalui PT Trans Airways membeli 10.9% saham Garuda Indonesia di harga Rp620 per lembar dengan total sebesar Rp 1,53 triliun. Harga ini lebih rendah dari harga terendah yaitu Rp395 per lembar, tapi masih dibawah harga IPO sebesar Rp750 per lembar

Minggu, 28 September 2014

Sistem IOCS Garuda Indonesia

Pada bulan November 2010, Garuda Indonesia menerapkan sistem baru yang disebut dengan sistem kendali operasi terpadu (Integrated Operational Control System/IOCS) yang merupakan salah satu dari program Quantum Leap. Sistem terpadu ini menggabungkan sistem untuk memantau pergerakan pesawat, awak kabin, dan manajemen penumpang yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah jalannya maskapai dalam mengantar dan menjemput, Fakta Teknologi IOCS Garuda:
  • Sistem ini merupakan gabungan sistem yang memantau pergerakan pesawat, penjadwalan awak kabin, dan manajemen penumpang
  • Sistem IOCS ini berharga US$ 1.5 juta (update: sebelumnya tertulis US$15 juta)
  • Sistem IOCS ini menangani 81 pesawat, 580 pilot, 2000 awak kabin and 2000 penerbangan per minggu
Pada tanggal 19 November 2010, selama 4 jam sistem IOCS tidak bisa diakses dan menyebabkan beberapa hal seperti:
  • Jadwal kru pesawat yang kacau, jadwal pilot yang bertabrakan, sampai-sampai ada pilot yang sedang sakit mendapat jadwal menerbangkan pesawat
  • Pada tanggal 21 November 2010, terjadi delay masal penerbangan Garuda
  • Pada tanggal 22 November 2010, penerbangan ke Medan, Batam, Pangkal Pinang and Padang dibatalkan
  • Pada tanggal 23 November 2010, sejumlah 13 jadwal penerbangan dibatalkan
  • Pemesanan tiket ditutup dari tanggal 22-24 November 2010
  • 5000 jemaah haji terlantar di Arab Saudi. Menurut Direktur Operasi Garuda, keterlambatan disebabkan terbatasnya pintu keberangkatan di bandara
Barulah pada tanggal 25 November 2010 penerbangan kembali normal, baru baru ini Garuda merencanakan perubahan sistem dan nama IOCS menjadi "Garuda Altea" yang dirancang oleh Amadeus untuk meningkatkan cakupan utama pada pekerjaan di lapangan .

Sabtu, 27 September 2014

Majalah Garuda

Garuda juga memperkenalkan In-Flight Magazine yang bernama "Colors" yang memiliki oplah sebanyak 60.000 eksemplar dan didistribusikan pada seluruh penerbangan Garuda Indonesia. Hal ini diterbitkan sebagai media on-board eksklusif dengan cerita perjalanan menarik di tujuan di seluruh nusantara, fitur, wawancara dengan orang Indonesia terkenal dan artikel gaya hidup pada makanan, perjalanan dan keindahan serta budaya.
Garuda In-Flight Magazine memiliki lebih dari 900.000 pembaca per bulan, termasuk A dan A + pengusaha / wanita, profesi, pengusaha, dan wisatawan kelas atas.
Garuda pesawat terbang Majalah ini diterbitkan di bawah lisensi untuk Garuda Indonesia oleh PT Indo Multi Media
Sirkulasi dan Distribusi Sebanyak 60.000 eksemplar Garuda In-Flight Magazine - Inggris / Versi Indonesia dan 30.000 eksemplar Garuda In-Flight Magazine Versi Jepang dan Mawaddah (Arab) didistribusikan gratis pada setiap bulan, sebagai berikut:
  1. Semua penerbangan Garuda Indonesia tujuan internasional dan domestik.
  2. Garuda Indonesia Executive Lounge di Bandara seluruh Indonesia.
  3. Semua pemegang Kartu Platinum GarudaMiles.
Struktur kelompok percetakan adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Indo Manca Media menerbitkan Jakarta JAVA KINI serta Jakarta Java DiningJakarta Expat Directory dan Seri Peta Jakarta, Banten, Bandung & Jawa Barat; Yogyakarta & Jawa Tengah; Surabaya & Jawa Timur; Peta Golf, Peta Hiburan Jakarta dan lainnya terkait majalah Jakarta & Java.
  • Media Wisata Dewata yang mempublikasikan lengan IMM di Bali dan menerbitkan Hello BaliBali DiningBali Tourism Board's Map Series dan lainnya yang terkait Bali.

Jumat, 26 September 2014

Quantum Leap dan Ambisi Menjadi Maskapai Bintang 5

Di angkatnya perintah larangan terbang Uni Eropa Terhadap Garuda Indonesia dan 3 maskapai penerbangan Indonesia lainnya, membuat Garuda Indonesia meluncurkan sebuah rencana ekspansi 5 tahun yang agresif dengan nama Quantum Leap, rencana ini mencakup rencana re-branding maskapai dengan mengubah livery maskapai, memperkenalkan seragam staf baru,menggandakan armadanya dari 62 menjadi 116 pesawat dan menaikkan 10,1 juta penumpang per tahun menjadi 27.6 juta dalam periode yang sama serta menaikkan pertambahan jumlah rute domestik maupun internasional dari 41 menjadi 62. Hal yang diimplementasikan oleh Emirsyah Satar ini juga muncul dalam perkenalan profil perusahaan GIA dan berbagai anak perusahaan mereka di jejaring sosial media, YouTube dengan nama "Garuda Indonesia Corporate Profile 2014".[8] Rute ekspansi di awali dari pembukaan rute ke Amsterdam, dengan transit di Dubai oleh pesawat Airbus A330-200. Pada tahun 2014, Penerbangan non-stop menggunakan pesawat Boeing 777-300ER direncanakan akan dimulai menuju ke beberapa rute dunia seperti London, Frankfurt, Paris, Roma, Madrid dan Los Angeles serta kota lainnya dipertimbangkan untuk dibuka kembali.
Sebuah Inisiatif akan lambang baru dikembangkan oleh konsultan merek Landor Associates yang berpusat pada sebuah ide baru tentang "sayap alam" yang bertujuan untuk mengganti logo lama Garuda yang terpasang selam 27 tahun, yang dapat diharapkan untuk dapat "menangkap semangat keramahan Indonesia dan profesionalisme" oleh Garuda Indonesia.
Tanggal 10 Juni 2009, Garuda Indonesia menampilkan sebuah skema warna baru logo pada sirip Airbus A330-200 baru setelah memakai desain yang sama selama lebih dari puluhan tahun. logo pada ekor pesawat yang mengalami re-branding ini terdiri dari nuansa warna biru yang berbeda beda dengan tulisan Garuda Indonesia di tengah lambung pesawat sementara itu, Garuda Indonesia mempertahankan simbol garuda yang didesain Landor di lambung pesawat dan terus menggunakannya sebagai identitas perusahaan.
Pada tanggal 28 Mei 2010, Garuda Indonesia secara resmi meluncurkan seragam baru bagi pramugari/pramugaranya untuk memperbarui citra akan pelayanan Garuda Indonesia yang terinspirasi dari kebaya tradisional Gondosuli dengan motif batik lereng dilengkapi dengan kebaya warna biru gaya Kartini di bagian atas dan kostum tambahan bagi pramugari, termasuk sebuah batik bermotif lereng berwarna jingga dengan kebaya berwarna jingga. laki laki memakai jas abu abu, kemeja biru dan dasi bermerek, yang didesain oleh Josephine Komara.
Konsep pelayanan baru Garuda Indonesia bernama "Garuda Indonesia Experience", termasuk aspek dari kebudayaan, masakan, dan keramahan Indonesia. Diperkenalkannya Mini Nasi Tumpeng Nusantara dan jus martebe(markisa dan terong belanda) sebagai menu baru merupakan langkah awal ACS dalam memberikan layanan makanan yang berkelas seperti pada bulan Februari 2011, maskapai ini memperkenalkan tempe dalam menu masakannya dalam penerbangannya menuju Tokyo, Jepang. (tempe masuk dalam menu makanan penerbangan menuju Jepang karena, terdapat pengrajin tempe yang memperkenalkan sebagai pengganti makanan daging dan menurut penelitian di sana, tempe baik untuk di makan)

summary unit 3

1.       Mention 3 part of personnel administration?
·         Single screen
·         Personnel action
·         Fast entry
2.       What do you know abaout single screen?
It’s use for one type of information and one person
3.       What do you know about personnel action?
It’s use for many type of information and one person
4.       What do you know about fast entry?
It’s use for one type of information and many person
5.       Where can we save the employee’s data?
We can save the employee’s data in info type

6.       What is the function of personnel administration?
where we can manage employee’s data who can be changed any time
7.       Mention 5 various processing options can you use to maintain master data!
·         Create
·         Change
·         Copy
·         Delimit
·         Delete
8.       What is function of the copy?
The copy function enable you to create new infotype records, and it also updates the infotype history
9.       What is function of the change?
The change function enables you to correct an existing record without creating a new one
10.   Is “hiring an employee” neccesary in organization?
Yes it is. Because the most important objective of master data administration in Human Resources is to enter employee-related data for administrative, time-recording and payroll purposes

summary unit 2


1. What is the Personnel Structure?

Personnel structure is for administrative purposes, the employees in an enterprise are divided into two levels. The highest level is an employee group, and the second is an employee subgroup. These levels are subject to authorization checks to define remuneration levels or different work schedules, for example.

2. Explain each of two levels in personnel structure!
Two levels in personnel structure are:Employee Group
Employee Group is a general division of employees. The employee group defines the relationship between an employee and the contribution the employee makes to the company in terms of work. Active employees, pensioners, and early retirees make up the main employee groups in personnel administration. Employees are differentiated further within the employee group, according to:
a. Active (non-pay scale employee, hourly wage earner, salaried employee, trainee)
 Employee Subgroup
b. The employee subgroup is a fine division of employee groups according to the position of employees. Wage earners, salaried employees and non-pay scale employees are all examples of subgroups within the employee group active.

3. What is the Payroll Area?
The payroll area is an organizational unit used for running payroll. All employees who have payroll run for them at the same period are assigned to the same payroll area.
Payroll accounting is generally performed for each payroll accounting area. The payroll accounting area provides the payroll driver with two pieces of information: the number of employees to be accounted and the dates of the payroll period. There are two vary of the payroll:
a. Payroll area X0
b. Payroll on the 28th of the month for the current period
c. Payroll area X1
d. Payroll at the start of the subsequent month for the previous month

4. What we do in the Organizational Plan?
An organizational plan provides a model of the structural and personnel environment at your enterprise. We can do something like create our organizational plan using organizational units and positions. An organizational plan is a compherensive and dynamic model of the structural and personnel environment in your enterprise which you can evaluate at any time. We depict hierarchies within your organizational plan:
Your company organizational structure
The individual positions and the reporting structure.

5. What is Organizational Structure? And four elements that related to?
Organizational structure is something that related to:
Organizational Unit
a. Job
b. Position
c. Person
d. Cost Center

6. Explain about Organizational Management!
Persons generally represent employees in the company, persons hold positions in the organizational structure which is governed by Organizational Management.
Organizational Management is based on the concept that every element of the organization constitutes a unique object with individual attributes. We can create relationship between the various objects to form a framework for our organizational plan. This gives us a flexible basis for personnel planing, previewing and reporting.

7. What is infotypes?
Additional characteristics may be created in the form of relationship to other objects, or data stored in other infotypes unique to the object. All the data of an objeect (existence, relationships, additional characteristics) are created as infotypes. Some infotyoes can be maintained for all objects type, such as the object and relationship infotypes. Others are only relevant for particular object types.
Objects consist of three parts:
a. The first part (object infotype) includes the ID number, a short and long text, and the validity period
b. The second part (relationships infotype) contains the relationships between this and other objects
c. The third art (other infotypes) form the object characteristics

8. What is Organization and Staffing: Navigation?
Within menu: setting and commands, on the left screen in the object manager, which is divided into a search area above and a selection area below:
Use the search area to locate such as organizational units, jobs, persons, positions, and users
In the selection area you can use the search results to select an object to be used in the overview and or detail areas
The right side of the screen, or the hierarchy framework, is divided into an overview area and a detail areas

9. What is the function of Organization and Staffing?
Organizational plans are defined in organizational management. This can be done in organization and staffing or the expert mode. The functions in organization and staffing let us create organizational units, positions, jobs, and tasks quickly and easily. We only specify the most important details for these objects. Organization and staffing creates the relationships automatically.

10. Explain the Cost Centers in the Organizational Structure!
Cost centers can be assigned to organizational units and positons. The relationship between organizations and cost centers is hierarchically inhierarchically inherited along the structure. Cost centers are maintained in controlling and can be linked to either organizational units or positions.

11. What we can do in organization and staffing?
In organization and staffing we can:
a. Maintain the basic data for our organizational plan
b. Main cost center assignment
c. Maintain certain infotypes

12. How about reporting in organizational management?
Organization plans and reporting structures represent only a fraction of the reporting functionality thay is available in organizational management. We will find the various reporting options under the information system menu in organizational management. This menu is organized according to different object types. We will find the organizational plan in the object type organizational unit. You can access the reporting structure from the object type position. Here, we will also find staff assignments and the position description.

13. How about infotype in personnel administration and planning?
If personnel administration and organization management are integrated, we can enter the position in the action infotype (0000). This infotype must be maintained first. We can not overwrite the fields job, organizational unit, or cost center. They specify the relationships to the position.

14. How much steps to create a divisions?
If we are not already in the organization and staffing screen from the easy access menu follow human resources-> organizational management-> organizational plan -> organization and staffing-> change.

15. How to create a little divison within division?
In the find organizational unit popup box enter training international (TR*). The international structure for the training international organization appears in the overview area. Expand the accounting organizational unit to find your ## accounting organizational unit and select the create icon. Selesct is line supervisor of organization unit.
How to assign employees to a position?
Navigate too the ## Accounts payable director position in the ## accounts payable organizational unit. Double-click on the entry for the ## accounts payable director position. The detail area now contains the entry for ## accounts payable director. Select the basic data tab in the detail area.

16. What is the purpose of this unit?
This unit introduces the individual components of the organizational, enterprise, and personal structures.

17. What is the function of Human Resources Management System in this unit?
A Human Resources  Management enables us to set up organizational hierarchies and employee relationship and then store and administer employee data in the system.

18. There are three structures, what are they?
The three structures in SAP HR unit 2:
a. Enterprise structure
b. Personnel structure
c. Organizational structure

19. Explain about Enterprise Structure!
The enterprise structure subdivide organizations and employees according to factors relevant to time management and payroll. The allocation of employees to the structures in their enterprise is of the utmost importance in human resources, it is the first step in entering personal data.

20. Explain each personnel administration within enterprise structure!
There are four enterprise structure for personnel administration that determined by the following elements:
a. Client
A client can either be valid for a company code at the smallest level or for the entire corporate group.
b. The Company Code
Company code is defined in accounting. Legally required financial statements such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements are created the company code level.
c. The Personnel Area
Personel area is used exclusively in personnel administration and is unique within a client, each personnel area must be assigned to a comapany code.
d. The Personnel  Subarea
Personnel subareas are subdivisions of personnel areas. The organization of the most important subareas of personnel administration takes place at this level.

21. Describe the Organizational Units!
Organizational units describe the various business units that exist in your enterprise. Multiple organizational units and their interrelationship form the organizational structure.
For example: the organizational unit executive board as the supervisor object over two subordinate objects, human resources and finance.

22. What kind of application components that important for Jobs?
Job are general classification of tasks that are performed by employees, examples: head of department, buyer, and secretary.
Each job represents a unique classification of responsibilities in your organization. When you create jobs, you should consider what specific tasks and requirements are associated with the individual jobs. Jobs are important for the following application components:
a. Shift Planning
b. Personnel Cost Planning
c. Personnel Development

23. What is the meaning of Positions within the Organizational Structure?
Positions are the individual employee assignments, positions are occupied by persons. Positions are also enterprise-specific, a number of positons are based on the same job. As a rule, each position represents one employee. However, it is possible for a position to be occupied by more than one employee.

25. How about Persons in the organizational structure? Are they hold a position?

Yes, they are. Persons are objects that hold positions within the organizational structure. Additional information for persons is maintained in personnel administration

summary unit 1

Summary bab 1 :
1.       Before you log on the first time, what will the system administrator give?
Your system administrator will give you create a new password for log on with your own password
2.       SAP systems are client systems, what is the client?
A client is in organizational terms, an independent unit in the system
3.       What is SAP Easy access?
It’s the standard entry screen in the system
4.       What are there in a favorites list?
·         Transaction
·         Files
·         Web addresses
5.       How can I access the transaction code?
You can access the assigened transaction code from any screen in the system. You can find the transaction code for the function you are working in at the moment by choosing System information on the status bar or by choosing Status unter the System menu option
6.       What is (/n) for?
It’s for ends the current transaction
7.       What is (/o) for?
It’s for opens a new session
8.       What is (/i) for?
It’s for ends the current session
9.       When can you use F1?
I can use F1 for help on fields, menus, functions and message
10.   When can you use F2?
I can use F2 for information on what values you can enter

11.   What are there in the enterprise structure?
·         Client
·         Company code
·         Personnel area
·         Personnel subarea
12.   What do you know about the personnel area?
The personnel area is used exclusively in personnel administration and is unique within a client
13.   What are there in personnel structure?
·         Employee group
·         Employee subgroup
14.   What are there in employee group?
·         External
·         Active
·         Pensioner
15.   There are 4 part of active, please mention them!
·         Non pay-scale
·         Salared employee
·         Hourly wage earner
·         Trainee
16.   What do you know about X0 ?
For example, where is payroll on the 28th of the month for the current period
17.   What do you know about X1 ?
For example, where is the payroll at the start of the subsequent month for the previous month
18.   Mention 3 part which in organizational unit?
·         Job
·         Position
·         Person
19.   What are there in human capital management?
·         Organizational management
·         Application data
·         Personnel management
·         Personnel development
·         Training and event management
·         Time management
·         Appraisals
·         Payroll
·         Personnel cost planning
20.   What can you do with organizational and staffing?
·         You can maintain the basic data for your organizational plan
·         Maintain the reporting structure that exists between the positions in your organizatinal plan
·         Main cost center assignments
·         Maintain certain infotypes
21.   Mention 3 part of personnel administration?
·         Single screen
·         Personnel action
·         Fast entry
22.   What do you know abaout single screen?
It’s use for one type of information and one person
23.   What do you know about personnel action?
It’s use for many type of information and one person
24.   What do you know about fast entry?
It’s use for one type of information and many person
25.   Where can we save the employee’s data?
We can save the employee’s data in info type

26.   What is the function of personnel administration?
where we can manage employee’s data who can be changed any time
27.   Mention 5 various processing options can you use to maintain master data!
·         Create
·         Change
·         Copy
·         Delimit
·         Delete
28.   What is function of the copy?
The copy function enable you to create new infotype records, and it also updates the infotype history
29.   What is function of the change?
The change function enables you to correct an existing record without creating a new one
30.   Is “hiring an employee” neccesary in organization?

Yes it is. Because the most important objective of master data administration in Human Resources is to enter employee-related data for administrative, time-recording and payroll purposes

Kamis, 25 September 2014

Dekade 1990-2000-an: kecelakaan beruntun, kesulitan ekonomi dan reputasi buruk

Sepanjang dekade 1990-an, Garuda membeli 9 unit McDonnell-Douglas MD-11 (datang tahun 1991 sebagai pengganti DC-10), Boeing 737 seri -300 , -400, dan -500 (datang tahun 1992, sebagai DC-9), serta Boeing 747-400 (datang tahun 1994, 2 dibeli langsung dari Boeing, 1 dibeli dari Varig) dan Airbus A330-300 (datang tahun 1996, pembeli pertama). Tetapi, pada masa ini Garuda mengalami dua musibah besar yang terjadi di dua tempat, yang pertama di Fukuoka dan satunya lagi terjadi di desa Sibolangit, Sumatera Utara. Musibah yang kedua ini ini menewaskan seluruh penumpangnya, disamping itu, maskapai ini juga terkena imbas Krisis Finansial Asia yang juga membuat keuangan Indonesia menjadi lesu. Hal ini membuat Garuda harus memotong semua rute yang tidak menguntungkan, terutama rute jarak jauh menuju ke Eropa maupun Amerika (meski beberapa rute ke Eropa seperti Frankfurt, London dan Amsterdam sempat dibuka kembali, namun akhirnya kembali ditutup.). Disamping menutup rute jarak jauh yang tidak menguntungkan, maskapai ini juga mengembangkan rute domestik yang bisa membantu meningkatnya neraca keuangan.

Memasuki tahun 2000-an, maskapai ini membentuk anak perusahaan bernama Citilink yang menyediakan penerbangan berbiaya murah dari Surabaya ke kota-kota lain di Indonesia. Namun, Garuda masih saja bermasalah, selain menghadapi masalah keuangan, Beberapa peristiwa internasional (juga di Indonesia) juga memperburuk kinerja Garuda, seperti Serangan 11 September 2001, Bom Bali I dan Bom Bali II, wabah SARS, dan Bencana Tsunami Aceh 26 Desember 2004. Selain itu, Garuda juga menghadapi masalah keselamatan penerbangan, terutama setelah peristiwa Garuda Indonesia Penerbangan 200, akibat hal ini, Uni Eropa memberi surat larangan terbang ke Eropa bagi semua maskapai Indonesia. Namun, setelah perbaikan besar-besaran, tahun 2010 maskapai ini diperbolehkan kembali terbang ke Eropa, setelah misi inspeksi oleh tim pimpinan Frederico Grandini yang bertugas untuk memastikan segala kemungkinan yang ada untuk memulai pembukaan kembali rute dengan merekomendasikan pembukaan rute Jakarta - Amsterdam

Rabu, 24 September 2014

Dekade 1970-1980-an: berkembang maju dan mendunia

Dilanjutkan pada dekade 1970-1980-an. Wiweko Soepono Dirut Garuda Indonesia, melakukan program revitalisasi perusahaan yang mencakup perbaikan layanan, mengganti sistem manajemen, anti-KKN, memperbarui dan menambah armada serta menambah rute Domestik dan Internasional kemudian, beberapa pesawat di jual untuk menggarap pasar domestik dengan Fokker F-27 dan Fokker F-28 dan pada pertengahan 1970an, muncul dimana sebuah tren kenaikan jumlah penumpang yang naik pesawat dan tren tersebut tidak disia-siakan oleh Wiweko untuk membeli pesawat berbadan lebar dengan jarak jangkauan yang jauh dan penumpang yang banyak yaitu, Boeing B747-200 dan Douglas DC-10-30 yang di peruntukkan Garuda menerbangi rute baru di Benua AsiaAustralia dan Eropa dan pada tahun 1982Garuda Indonesia menjadi maskapai pengguna pertama Airbus A300B4-600 FFCC (Modifikasi kokpit dengan 2 awak).Memiliki inisiatif dan inovasi yang menarik di Garuda Indonesia, Wiweko yang menjabat menjadi Dirut selama 16 tahun berhasil membawa GIA menjadi maskapai terbesar ke 2 se Asia setelah Japan Airlines serta menjadi maskapai terbesar dan berpengaruh di belahan bumi bagian selatan.
Kemudian di tahun 1985, pimpinan GIA digantikan oleh R.A.J Lumenta. Kemudian, Ia melakukan re-branding terhadap maskapai dengan merubah nama dari Garuda Indonesian Airways menjadi Garuda Indonesia dan memindahkan pangkalan utama yang sebelumnya berada diBandara Kemayoran dan Bandar Udara Halim Perdanakusuma dipindahkan ke Soekarno Hatta dan melakukan perbaikan sistem manajemen dan penambahan rute. Pada tahun 1985, Garuda Indonesia berhasil merintis penerbangan menuju Amerika Serikat dengan Douglas DC-10-30 bersama maskapai Continental Airlines dengan destinasi Los Angeles dan berhenti di Denpasar-Biak-Hawaii dengan menggunakan logo spesial gabungan dari Continental Airlines dan Garuda Indonesia.